1. 打招呼
跟hostel 裡的、便利店的、新室友.... 通常都是:
Whats your name?
I'm XXX, nice to meet you.
nice to meet you too.
Why do you come to canada?
Im holding working holiday visa. I can choose to work or to travel in this year. I am from Hong kong and wanna go to someplace far from my home, so here Im
Why toronoto but not other citys in canada?
I choose toronto because the wheather is not worse, i mean, in some province, the whether could be very bad, like always be negative thirty degrees
but vanouver sounds boring, according to some friends, so here i am.
How long have you been in toronoto?
2 weeks
How do you think about toronto/ canada/ house? Do you love here?
Do you wanna stay in canada?
How is your day? How are your doing? How are you?
Fine and you?
Fine too, thanks!
2. 遇到同樣是working holiday 的
how long have you been there?
Have you went to ski / snowboard in blue mountain?
3. 買床單
買了queen size 的sheet set, 包括兩個standard pillow case:
4. 到超市買菜
5. 外出用餐
到subway 練習也不錯