My favourite quote
Episode 4: Annie: First rule of this life, kid. The better you are dropping the bad guys, the more distancce the powers that be put between you. That's all this whole frace is about.
My favourite quote
Episode 4: Annie: First rule of this life, kid. The better you are dropping the bad guys, the more distancce the powers that be put between you. That's all this whole frace is about.
My favourite quote:
Episode 1: Mache: Only when a person stops fighting do they lose. As long as we continutes to fight, we are not beaten!
"Come in" is permission, offered to someone who has asked for it (by knocking, for example). Unsolicited, it sounds imperative, or presumptuous; though of course this can be moderated by tone of voice or other context.
"Come on in" is an invitation, much better as an unsolicited offer to someone who may not have been intending to enter. Offered to someone who has presented themselves to your door, it rather conveys that you'd welcome them even if they hadn't asked to do so. And it suggests that they will be joining you in a shared experience, rather than just entering a space for which you are the gatekeeper.
我不是第一次打最低工資的工。 當初在香港當過7仔的暑期工,想當年第一天上班,我回家一直在哭,因為覺得自己很沒用,那麼簡單的事都會做錯,什至有同事hv認真的問我:你是要讀寫障礙嗎? 我有點懷疑自己是低能。 可是,哭過後,回家後,我抄筆記,努力把步驟記下來,反覆溫習。 過了幾個月,老闆在老闆娘面前誇我是那麼多partime 員工裡面最好幫手的一個,哈哈哈。 所以, 對,我反應慢,記性不好,耳朵又不靈通常常聽不到別人說什麼,也不能從語境裡猜到別人在說什麼,可是我會進步。